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A member registered Nov 12, 2016

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Thank u so much :) Cant believe the kind words I am getting for this, really encouraging! ^^

xD oh yeah Just played your game and the ghosts are really similar. Yours is harder though :P

Thank you! You are right the game really needs balancing and major bug fixing. I am glad people are appreciating the concept of this cause this is not at all what I imagined it to be lol I was busy and only worked on the last day. I am going to work on this and hopefully turn it into a playable game :)

Thank u x) if u play long enough the covers fill up the world in an interesting way lol thinking of expanding on this feature

Thank u so much :) yeah the idea was much bigger than I managed to do. The blocks that fall after u select a mood were supposed to be more stuff that build up the world for future runs. More type of stages other than just kill all enemies. More enemy types and puzzle stages.. I got busy and only managed to make like 10% of my ideas xD but I am definitely thinking of improving and expanding this. Thank u for the encouragement :) 

thank u! Yeah i started work on this a little late and couldnt finish up everything but im glad u got the idea behind it 😁