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A member registered Apr 03, 2023

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Massive W gang

I clicked the "free her" option both times without hesitation. Seeing her body language in all her scenes, it really makes it hard for me to just let that treatment slide

Amazing game. Looking forward to the next update.

On a side note, the lighting on the characters' faces sometimes makes them look terrifying. Also, what are the 2 songs at the ends of both chapters?

All in all, you get a poison purification spell

I love the game, but just one thing that rubs me the wrong way is Yui's situation. Really hoping to save her in the future #FreeYui

Just finished this masterpiece today and I want to say thank you

How do I transfer saves from one version of the game to another on renpy?

Uh, sorry guys, I have to ask. I downloaded the game on Android and did all the necessary steps with RAR and joiplay, but it keeps crashing a minute into the game. I have android 12, so is this just a problem with Joiplay? If so, please recommend alternative apps.

Thank you

Best game I've played in a while, possibly ever. Can't wait for future updates.

(Personally, I think Luna is best girl)

I'm interested in this game, but is it possible for it to be played on Android? I feel a lot more people would be onto this game if it were.