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A member registered Dec 17, 2020

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Surprised to see a game with MH monsters but Guess we dont really need rights to publish thoses kind of games 馃憤馃槀.

After all, a vn with pokemons just came out too 馃し.

Is there no Android version ? There is supposed to be an option in ren'py to automaticly create an Android version. Is the game not made on ren'py ? Or maybe something is up with the coding so it doesn't let you use that option ? 

huh... I was sooo sure of my assumption ^^'. He even have a similar looking device placed more or less the same way XD.

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Coal is inspired by ekko from League of legends isn't he ? 馃馃憤 (He have the same vibe for me. I Can picture him shooting with his "artefact", nonchalantly blasting everyone off while having his hands behind his head ans his hips slighly sideway. Chill, relax and maybe even a bit cocky no matter the circomstences. 馃槀)

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have tha saves been corrupted or something ? I still have the previous version 0.2 with my saves intact but they apparently haven't trensfered to the newest version 0.3. (Guess I'll just transfer them via the games files ^^)

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Dont worry about the backgrounds, they are decent XD. I've been trying to learn how to draw on a tablet for a few months and I've been struggling hard with the differents options -__-. 

I NEED to learn how to for the sake of my vn though so I Guess I'll just keep on trying until I make it possible 馃槗. I have absolutely no Friends in the community and I dont have THAT much money that I Can just buy Sprites for dozen of characters from an artist that doesn't know me at all ^^' XD.

Doing EVERYTHING in the development of a game is quite tedious but it doesn't seem impossible 馃. Though I probably wont publish a build every month like much of the devs ^^'.

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Who was the previous artist ? You ? Just curious . ^^

The New art style has allready been implemented ?

There is a development log about this that came out eleven days ago 馃槈

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I code a bit in my free Time and in my opinion adding such an option would be doable but... If I "need" to create an in-game interface for "implementing" an image into my game files images folders... that would requiere a LOT of ajustments to make it into a valuable implementation. It CAN be done but it sounds kinda tiresome to code 馃槗.

Not even talking about the fact that there is a lot of things to take into consideration concerning the mc's images format, size,...

Yeah to be honest i might run out of saves in not to much Time. I could use some New pages of saves files 馃槄

there is sex scene in the game ? I saw none of them O_O

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cant extract it. It doesn't register as .rar files ^^'. I think he has the same problem as me

doesn't kane looks kinda too young now ? He doesn't really strike me as an old tavern keeper anymore ^^'

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I think we have the same top 3 XD.

Though i love "remember the flowers" too

(Edit : i hate having to deal with my french auto correct XD)

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Maybe you could get the help of someone to take care of the english version ? Souldn't be THAT hard to find someone i think ^^. (I mean... It might be too much for you to handle all alone considering you aren't fluant in english.) 

That is motivating thx bud. Let's just work hard then, both of us XD. 

as someone who is "Trying" to create a vn I must say I like to read throught thoses kind of posts. I dont know, maybe knowing that I m not the only one strugling a lot makes me feel better XD.

I just restarted to learn how to draw on tablet recently because I couldn't find an artist who would be willing to work with me on my project (wich is to be frank understandable ^^'). I am still sooo far away from realeasing the first real build of my game but I will get there... hopefully XD.just look at how much this guy want to die XD.

REALLY happy to see a new update on this game thx bud ^^. I guess I should go back to playing repeat too kinda been a while since the last time I played it

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sorry but I restarted the game all over again after reinstalling it just in case and i still get the exact same error "tenky_sprite2 is not defined" . ^^' 

Perhaps there is a problem with either the real name of the sprite or it has been moved out of his folder ? I couldn't check myself as we have no access to thoses informations in the distributions versions of a ren'py game.

It would be weird though considering most peoples have been able to play without encountering this issue...

Ste is clearly my favorite. I love his personality and his kids, they are  cute.

Then I would say nameless I think and finaly the first orc that we meet in the wasteland (I dont remember his name)

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considering the fact that the error comes from a missing sprite or more likely a wrongly called one it might have indeed been fixed. I'll try to see if I forgot about downloading the fixed files.

(To be more precise it says that "tenky_sprite2 is not defined"). I have to say that i make thoses kind of mistakes quite frecantly when i code with ren'py XD

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I restarted a game for the update but it seems that my apron quest glitched somehow. I can't finish it after getting it repaired. I can't go in the cave either because of an error popping up even after this restart does someone have an idea why ?

i dont think anybody would bother to complain about it aniway. You can let it be I suppose

I'ts totaly understandable for you to feel this way. I wrote a few stories before and only recently begun to work on a VN and I must say that it is quite strenuous so take your time to recover and come back to work on this ONLY if you wish to do so. 

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I would say yes I think. Sounds logical to me. (PLus I saw others peaples call their "Chapters" "Tome" so I guess you can. )

I'm french ^^. For us a tome is basicaly one book from a series of books for exemple Harry potters.

yeah sorry bud but as much as I would like to see this project grow I'm pretty sure they are more than one law article against taking over someone else work ^^'. Well to be more precise let's just say that if you happen to work on it you would be obliged to explicitly tell that this game aren't yours and every benefits you could do with the game would go to the original artist. In other word you would get in trouble with copyrights ^^'

i freed him and gosh it's a hot minautor indeed

there's a second prisoner ? I didn't know.

dont worry I do UwU.

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i wasn't expecting a french translation at all. I wont use it even though i'm french but it's pretty cool news. 

i wanted to play the new update yersteday but i ended up playing throught the all game instead cause i couldn't bring myself to skip. In the end i stopped playing late at night just before the beginning of the new content XD. 

i'm sad to see you going but dont hold yourself back only for the sake of this project. I myself have been working on a vn for a while and i DAMN well know how much work goes into so little playtime ingame ^^'.

en vrai tu peux commencer quelque chose de sympa sans trop te prendre la t锚te. Le codage de ren'py est plut么t rudimentaire  de base (bien que quelqu'un d'exp茅rience peut rajouter des choses dessus). Perso je gal猫re surtout car je ne dessinais pas sur tablette graphique avant et je trouve la transition papier 脿 num茅rique assez inconfortable ^^'.

c cool d'enfin voir un virtual novel cr茅e par un fran莽ais. (Je travaille sur le mien 脿 cot茅 mais il est loin d'avoir atteint un stade de d茅veloppement suffisamment avanc茅e pour que je puisse le publier ^^'. Je me demande m锚me si je vais pouvoir le publier un jour :'( XD )

happy birthday bud ^^

will there be a guide for the game  ? Just curious to know if I need to try every choices myself XD