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Sharan Adhikari

A member registered 71 days ago

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Feedback for Aashish:

Aashish, your game is a delightful exploration experience! The concept of discovering a small village is engaging, and the inclusion of a box man character adds a unique charm to the game.

The background and music create a perfect ambiance for the game, enhancing the overall atmosphere and immersing the player in the village setting.

However, there are a few areas where the game could be improved. The controls feel a bit difficult, especially when jumping. Consider refining the jumping mechanic to make it more intuitive and responsive.

One issue I encountered was that the player is sometimes obstructed by the buttons, making it difficult to see interactable objects. This could be addressed by adjusting the placement of the buttons or making them more transparent when not in use.

Overall, your game shows a lot of promise and creativity. With some adjustments to the controls and button placement, it could be even more enjoyable for players. Keep up the great work!

Dev, your game is imposing! The buttons are well-designed and intuitive, which enhances the overall user experience. The mechanic of collecting coins with the ball is engaging and adds a fun element to the gameplay.

Your game demonstrates a strong understanding of consistency and hierarchy in design. The visual elements are cohesive and effectively guide the player's attention, contributing to a polished and professional-looking game.

The user control in your game is smooth and responsive, allowing players to navigate the game world easily. This is crucial for creating an enjoyable gaming experience; you've executed it brilliantly.

While your game has many strengths, there are a few areas where it could be improved. The difficulty curve could be more balanced, as some players may find it too challenging or easy. Consider adding different difficulty levels to cater to a broader range of players.

Additionally, the sound design in your game could be enhanced. Adding sound effects for actions such as collecting coins or hitting obstacles could make the gameplay more immersive and engaging.

Overall, your game is well-designed and has a lot of potential. With some minor adjustments, it could be even more enjoyable for players. Keep up the good work!