team. We had a little go at the game. Why _technician_ was the name of the PCs when _Operator_ covers the PMC anngle and the Mekra angle more …neatly? Everything seemed workable though without knowing the game design goals it was hard to say. Is balance between builds a goal? Do you want the game to be so swingy? The D20 turned out in play to make the PCs feel quite ordinary people even staking into bonuses yet rolling the d20 made success less then certain on tasks you would think would be a ‘natch. On this the skill list is a bit superfluous as you could just go with add a bonus to your PCs named “thing” a bit like Cypher system does it? Some examples of what makes a skill is fine. Not too board not to narrow that type of thing? If that’s what you meant by the text in the skills section that’s how we rolled. Maybe needs a rewrite to be clearer? Do you intend PCs to fight along side the Mekra in robot mode? Regarding the book layout we would have preferred a more trad white background with the colour pics etc. We had fun which is the main thing.
A member registered Oct 10, 2018