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A member registered Nov 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Whoops, i lied, one folder is for ITCH.IO. Now im just confused.

Okay, yeah, update, in the "votv" folder in my file explorer, theres 2 folders. i think thats causing it... 

Now to figure out which one is 0.6.3 and, perferable, not delete 0.7. Thanks.

Im using the APP to play, not downloading folders. That might be the problem...? Its still fun playing 0.6.3, since im on a chaotic road to sandbox. Plus... tutorial. But hey, not the worst thing in the world if it doesn't work.

I've downloaded the newest version (0.7), but when i launch it, it says its still 0.6.3. the solar mode isn't there, new complex isn't there, i dont think, and no matter how many times i re-launch, it just wont be 0.7, even though im launching 0.7.

This shit isn't katamari, its fucking inital D.


Your telling me i need a million dollars to remove an apple off a fucking table?

why shrimp stare at me doe

10/10 gameplay, am i right.

I dont think they like my presence.... ow.

Dear god.

found it, ended up being on steam.

dont worry, near your 11th ranted dimension, your points sky rocket. it wont be hard trust me.

note: apparently at the 11 ranted dimension, your points fucking skyrocket

is antimatter dimensions on itch, or no, cant find it

so your telling me i need 1e100,000 to get through? to 0.3.1?

0/10 im poor

holy shit



Oh, and if you want really quick light REALLY fast, red is a really good option. at the cost of how long it goes for.

(1 edit)

Personally, i like catalyst (green (25% more energy level, 50% slower overheat, 2x stabilization))

hehe sily

You had me at "gun".

The most game of all time.

Ah yes, casually doing 1.1e23 EONS of work. nothing weird there.


holy shit its my man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it uh

it wont launch

install damit

Ive always hated mountains anyways,

atleast when i do 100% and not 1x.

same with me bro.