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A member registered Apr 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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my mother never got me diagnosed but related stuff she learned later that I would be seen as one of those functional autistics.  Thinking back on my life and how I react to certain things I am inclined to agree.

I am having a glitch with the advanced dummy, it is only giving me 1 patch when it says it is giving me 3, I check my inventory and it only shows 1 more patch than I had in my inventory.

I had some buried issues during my childhood and the breakdown events reminded me of some things that happened to me.  One breakdown I had was in the school cafeteria but had no one to help me.  This really tugged at the heart strings and on various points hit hard.  Keep up the great work.

You don't choose your sexuality, most discover what they like  either early in life or later on.  I am a bisexual male and most learn about this game through looking up stuff like this.  Plus some do experiment a bit when they are older if they lean that way or not.  Sorry for sounding a bit judgemental but something in your comment kind of triggered me.

This is not completely true, Coach's route has more than one ending, a good, bad, and neutral ending.  That may have been an experiment or specific choice of the creator's.  I have not played around with some of the other routes as I tend to do without thinking about it is the good route.

I am playing on a pc that has window 11 and the game at first did not even get to the menu.  After I finally get to the menu it keeps crashing before meeting the friends at the hotel.  I may try the web version but last time I did on my mac it was missized meaning too big for the window screen it played in.

When you feel up to it again you could possibly have someone do a cameo sprite of his sona in the game as a memorial.  I think that would be a fitting way to remember him.

There is one free but the epilogues are kind of dark.  It gives you a look at the aftermath depending on decisions and you may know of it already.  Echo.  If you find any VNs with happy epilogues let me know.

Yes, if you are completely new to the game I will not give any spoilers.  they are one of the characters that pop up when talking with another individual tied to Zarro and I will just say visit the gym.

They have hinted at it in one of the devlogs, so try to be patient.

I have unlocked most if not all kinks in the previous version of this when it was browser mode.  Just read the dialogue closely and you should not have trouble unlocking what you want kink-wise.  My MC is kind of into everything.

I have been having some trouble figuring out some of the endings and have not experienced the ending plus stuff.  There is one I am aware of but have not tried it yet (accept offer upon loss).  Just need some hints don't need spoilers.

If you get your arousal up you can use ensnaring goo to buy you some time/attack buff.

I have a real soft spot (boner) for Arcanine.  The pokemon is technically not feline.  another would probably be mew.  So cute and innocent and I have seen some pokemon themed stuff make mew seem a bit of a sex fiend.

With spites as they are now you get a better idea of Zorro's size compare to everyone else.  I really like how the flow of the story and it took a bit to figure out the phone as nothing was said about it.  I think having Zorro say something about how to access it (kind of break the forth wall) might help.  I don't remember if Zorro did mention something like that.  

"I am a Mac user and I approve this game" - Shadowpad *horny fox noises*

The interaction with Axel's parents give me a good idea of what to expect when we are actually romancing him.  Dad jokes aside I really like his parents.

10 days left

*horny fox noises* lol

(1 edit)

Huh, never tried that as an input for Chesters pre-con stuff.  I guess Dynewulf tried to account for an input like that.

The general input I used barring doing certain things prior to this *no spoilers for that stuff*:

money, cards, towel, underwear, deodorant, and condums.  

should have even tried the dildo or lube

He does hint at something like an epilogue for each of the stories.  A sequel to the game in general would be tricky unless it lets you select a route or uses your save files from this one.  It hurt but I did all possible ends for Harold. 

My birthday and my great nieces is 2 days after yours.  Yeah I share a b-day with my great niece and hooray for August b-days.

*joyful fox noises*

Most of the VNs I have had to do what Xewy mentioned, after you do it won't ask again regarding what you have downloaded. I think it started a couple updates ago.  What is worse is certain VNs for me are unplayable because the engine they use are no longer supported past a certain update.  

_ A fellow Mac user

cute in a creepy echo sort of way

Any work around for Mac users.  I am not getting the security issue, just getting a message saying application can not open.  I used to be able to play the original version, can't remember what engine it uses, but with my mac updated and that and certain other engine just don't work.  I have no problems from any of the renpys just most other engines.

The only one that should be shaved I think would be Tano and those elders except Enelle(she is super cool elder) and then tar and feathered.

a dream sequence with Adrian and one of the other dateable characters spit roasting Logan would be interesting.  Logan seems to want to give something like that a try.  The items he bought make him seem like a rather kinky boy in the bedroom.

With how the dogs talk about humans, they are few and far between.

I think I figured it out, need bandit like at minimum 25.  Barrel is more likely to show up in the inn when it is that low thus more likely to trigger the event involving Logan.  When it is high Barrel will very rarely/not at all show up in the inn. I have all the req for "I owe you a beer" but not triggering it, do I need to complete all of the expansions for Bareshade?

Most mammals are lactose intolerant once they reach the weening age with the exception of (most) humans for some odd reason.

With what I have seen so far I have some thoughts on humans and this world and why they seem to be rare.  The monster bone that they showed seemed a bit odd in that it vaguely looked human with some changes.  I feel all of the monster they go up against might have once been human.  It is possible the tech *the ancients* used may have had some side affects causing them to turn out like that.  It would explain why the monster fear the shelters turrets and why they show up close to the ruins.  Another thought revolves around the ,mana as the other race refer to it, gave rise to the other anthro races.  This would infer that the other races did not largely exist prior to what ever happened that may have altered the majority of the human race into monsters/anthro races with a few stragglers unaffected.

*breaks chain of awoos* *random fox noises

For his behavior Tano needs a swift kick to his furry balls.  I won't give any spoilers.  The male wolves may be big and strong but the bigger they are the harder they fall.  Tano may be on the runty side and bigger than the mc as are most it seems ( I kind of sympathize with the mc as I am short for a guy) but he is pushing his luck.

Have you finish the bit with Trald in the park where you later get a doggo.  After I completed that part the "What happened to Ruvin" popped up.  Tralds is the massage job at the gym.  All jobs are in as far as I have seen but may need to double check.

Did not know what to expect at first.  I rather like sci-fi and fantasy and this kind of borders on both depending on how you look at it.  The story is well written so far.  I feel english may not be your native language as tends to be the case in a fair number of VN producers.  You did a good job with it anyway.  Keep up the good work

thank god for renpy, I noticed certain other engine don't work too well on mac.  I don't have any problems with renpy and find it quite stable.

I keep all of my vn and furry stuff/smut in a folder on a two terabyte hard drive