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A member registered Jul 18, 2023

Recent community posts

I saw someone mention something about a pumpkin panic discord, is this a for sure gonna happen thing or just a possibility. I know it could make getting notified of new updates and making a strong community for it a lot more convenient. so I’m personally in favor but I have no idea how hard it is to host a discord server or any of the logistics so if it doesn’t ever happen thats find I was just curious on your thoughts about it

I beat it while my friend played next to me (he beat it first) and we had so much fun. He dislike farmers games but loved this. This game also made me scream like a little girl. No game has made me scream that loud. My favorite part was I went to get us some drinks in the garage and as I walked out I heard him say “Oh cool a deer” I laughed so hard. I’m kinda sad I beat cause now I get to wait for the next update but I’m so excited to see what happens next.

I played the game and loved it (even though I cant get pass night 1 lmao) I love the style its such a refreshing style and is a one of a kind game which is hard to create these days. However, I wish there was a way to get more stamina and/or a way to fortify the farm in some sort of way. I’m very excited to see what comes out of this it it so fun and amazing.