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A member registered Jan 19, 2022

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(2 edits)

probably losing interest plus isnt making as much on alot of devs who make good games get burned out and just stop.. there are a few that even will ban you for mentioning them being burned out and dont really wanna finish it. they are in it for the money at that point and drag out the release dates and sooner or later will lose all his following.. happened to a few ive watched then make almost 7k a month in subs and then get burned out and make excuses for months and by the end of his lies he only makes about 600 a month and still doesnt want to finish the game.

edit: i will say i fucking love this game but unless there is a good reason for updates to take half a year which one hasnt been given i stopped my sub on patreon.. especially when the updates are done after 20 mins of reading

censorship levels are patreon and here maybe? not sure about here but he gives you a code and when you first start it ask's if you have a code enter that code and after that you can choose which version you want.. if you dont want to pay look it up plenty of sights actually give the codes out free just look up the games name and add code to it. im not sharing the password here you gotta do the work if you want it free

(2 edits)

love the game,  i have the .3 update imma download the .4 now. great work. once i get paid ill subscribe to.. what other games have you made? 

i dont think i did, ok thank you. ill buy it when i can.

is there a way i can get a update for free? i have the 0.6 version. i would buy the game i really would but i dont have the $ and wouldnt for another 9 months atleast.