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Thanks for the feedback!!

Yeah, the colliders don't give you a chance. We wish we had a little more time to polish and playtest it properly.
We are now sure that we have reduced the enemy colliders a little bit...

The random generation of the map took more time than we expected. 😓😓

Thanks for the feedback!! 

Maybe we give the character a hook as well to get out the volcano. 😉

You just can't fail with a hook based movement.

Really fun game with a simple yet fun mechanic!! Congrats!!

Thanks a lot for the feedback!! Good luck as well !!

Thanks for the feedback !!! Yeah I agree that sometimes the colliders doesn't give a chance. With a litle more time we could have playtest it correctly and fix it by reducing the colliders of the enemys and setting a litle bigger the bullet collider. 😓

Also I lost a lot of time with the map random generator. Lesson learned for next jams!! 💪

Thanks a lot for the feedback!! Really pleased you enjoyed the game  !

You may be right with the shoot control, at first we thought of using "S" key for the shoot, but using the WASD keys for other than movement purposes looked rare for us. 😓

We are still unsure about which key should we have used to shoot... any ideas for next game jams ?

Thanks for the feedback!!

Thank you for your comments. I wish we had more time to polish some things....

We learned a lot during the jam, we hope to improve for the next one!