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Shabby Camper Games

A member registered Jun 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Looks great! I definitely want to play this on my stream sometime.

We have a working title now: "Notice Me, Sponsor!" Regardless, I'd still love to hear any ideas you still have or feedback on the current title.

That title certainly describes the game!

Currently, the game doesn't have a title (despite how catchy "Untitled Dating Sim Parody" sounds).  When I create, I always like to give my community a chance to get involved, so here's the challenge:  Suggest a title for the game based on the description on the game's page.  Titles that are based on puns and clever word play get bonus credit.  If I like one, the poster will be granted a writing credit in the game.  If the idea inspires an idea that I end up using, even if it's not what was posted, I'll still give the poster a thank you in the credits.  I alone will decide on the title (no community vote).  Don't worry if you can't come up with anything, there will be other opportunities during development to suggest things like character names, or whatever else I get stuck on.  Good luck!

[Note:  Being granted a credit does not entitle you to any share of sales or other compensation.  Remember, it's intended to be a free game.]

Just played this game on my Twitch channel.  It was a lot of fun!  I'm definitely sharing the link.  Great work!