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A member registered Aug 26, 2015 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Wooo, I'm really interested in it (and in a physical copy too, when you finish it... if you... "publish" physical copies ... hehehe). Regards.

No support for gamepads, right? do we have to use a remapper?

And... Nice Classic Contra version ;)

Thanks for it and regards.

It seems nice, if you ever edit a physical release, I would be interested ;) regards.

(1 edit)

So, the ones who bought the physical version, can't access to the digital ROM on, right? :(

"Digital ROM (will be emailed to you some time after purchase)"

If It would be a lot better to have acess to the site to download it :(

Thanks and regards.

(2 edits)

Ok, I rather GOG, but... i prefer Itch over Steam, if possible. Regards

Release it on GOG please, I'm anti DRM, sorry.

If there is no version for or GOG, forget about me buying it, I'll NEVER, listen to me, NEVER gonna buy it on Steam or any Pro-DRM plataform.
Good luck.

Gracias, de versiones físicas lo más probable es que me incline por Switch, ya que es la que más me está tirando de cara a coleccionar juegos indies (y los de PC que salen físicos, algunos, lo malo es que suelen ser de Steam, y le tengo ya cierta tirria a la plataforma, aunque tengo ahí unos 1800 juegos, no podrían incluir una key de GOG los juegos indie en lugar de una de Steam???)... para PC, seguramente me incline por GOG, con me manejo menos, bastante menos, en GOG ya tengo un catalogo extenso de mis juegos DRM-Free :) .

Lo espero, porque me llama la atención y echo de menos los Beat em up de antaño ( mientras tanto voy apañando con el Fight'n Rage y alguno más ;) )

Gracias por contestar.

Para cuando una versión final? Precio? plataformas? sólo PC? Switch tal vez? GOG y Steam? Saludos.

Ok, then i will wait, cause it looks fine and I like RPGs a lot... is it worthy to srat playing? Can I save my progress after installing the full/finished verison?


(1 edit)

You own this game

Claimed 46 minutes ago

Step 1: Run Setup.exe in the Setup1 folder

Step 2: Run Game.exe in the MMRDEMO folder

Step 3: Play!

Are yoy selling a demo??? really?...

What?????? Demo?????? Really??? WTF?????... Dislike, dislike, dislike!!!!