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A member registered Oct 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing, if Google translate doesn't suck then I think I understand what you mean :))

(1 edit)


Thank you!

It was funny how even obvious things, like the window, were so easy to miss and took multiple views till I caught it.

Definitely! Even in our best state, our minds are so limited.

You should see a video on hyperthymesia, very interesting

Thanks for playing :)

I personally never experienced such a thing, I can't really imagine how it would be like, but I hope you managed to handle it

Thanks for playing

I'm glad I was able to! :)

Thank you!

Thanks for playing! How did you manage to get it in that resolution :0? The game was not made for it haha

Thanks for playing! Also I'm sorry to hear you had to deal with that :(.
I agree that I should've made the routine clearer, definitely got it wrong there

I think the 800x600 resolution gave it a more old-school look and that's what I was going for, but I see how it could be kinda annoying since today we are pretty much surrounded by 16:9

Thank you for playing! :)

Thanks for playing! I'm sorry to hear about your grandparents :(.

Thank you! :)

Thank you!

Thank your for playing! :)))

Thank you so much for playing! Really enjoyed the commentary xD, I should've made it a little more obvious about what you're supposed to do and maybe a bit less annoying haha. (although it technically saves you actual power to turn the kitchen light off since your GPU doesn't render it anymore :))))

The theme is indeed pretty hard to understand without reading the description, and the knife at the end is pretty hard to see.

This is a weirdly well-made game, in the sense that its visual quality fluctuates heavily, I don't know if that's intentional but it adds to the story. It's a very interesting art style.

And by that I mean that the texture quality is great yet it's badly tiled the terrain is pretty low-poly. Some models are very detailed and some are not. It feels like the perfect representation of a B-game, but not in a bad way, I think that it just makes it even more mysterious and it feels more "off" than say a horror AAA game which just doesn't feel as honest I guess.

I believe that less "loved" and less visually appealing things have a deeper meaning to them.

The soundtrack of this game is awesome and it fits perfectly with the emotion each scene is trying to convey.

The game takes place in a medieval age, which isn't that common for a horror game, they usually take place in the present or the 80s/90s.

The story is a perfect tragedy, one that shows the harsher reality of the world, it doesn't give the player any satisfaction from it, there's no happy ending, just emptiness, similar to the art style which is just not beautiful to look at, because it shouldn't be.

In short, the story just feels very real, the medieval theme adding to that, since obviously people were dying left and right then and it was considered normal. Nothing is beautiful in it, because it shouldn't be, it's the furthest thing from comfort.

I'm very glad you feel that way about the game :), a surreal experience is what I've been trying to achieve.

Ahh, I see now, it must be pretty hard to be a nurse, I think that personally I couldn't work as a nurse, the emotional weight would be too much, even if I don't see traumatizing things with my eyes, the cases themselves are tragic.

I'm glad you think I was able to make it somewhat realistic and true to the real conditions. I tried to make the visual hallucinations realistic too but as this is a virtual game it's above my skill level so I just made them look like computer glitches instead.

I will try exploring different concepts in the future, thank you very much for the support! :)

Thank you for playing! I hope the game was able to scare you a little! :)

Thank you so much for playing my game :), I'm very glad you liked it and that it was able to produce the emotion that I was going for.

I loved the humorous commentary you had in your video, keep the jokes up and it'll do wonders for your channel! Also, your interpretation of this game is on point :). (maybe without the part where your wife drugs you lmao, actually, if I make that canon I'd have an excuse for why the water magically reappears in the glass.)

Speaking of commentary, your thorough feedback really helps me understand what I did right and what I did wrong :), it really means a lot to me.

I'd like to know why you are not a fan of video games exploring this sort of mental illnesses. Is it too controversial? I thought about that too but then I scratched that idea, as presenting it in an artistic way would hopefully overpower its controversial nature.

Never before have I spent hours of my life more efficiently than when I first played this wonder.

congrats I love you

best game ever made

i love it

i know

Yes, what more could you ask for?



I know

do u like the game mister isaa 👉😁👈

i feel you

I love you too lets make children 😩😩😩🥵

yes 🦍🦍🦍🦍😔😔🐒🦧

Omg, thank you for taking your time and making a video. I will totally replace the whole player controller system so that there will be head bobbing and stuff like that (and ofc higher sprint speed).

I'm not sure if I will make it so that you only have to type 1 key as it kinda breaks the realism of you being the one typing, but thanks for the suggestion, I will talk to more people abt that.

Also again, thank you so much, this is amazing for me.
