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A member registered May 14, 2022

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I'm so glad you had fun! Yes, the verticality was sadly something that had to be put aside due to time, but will be implemented in the future! Thank you so much for your feedback

Agreed with the health bar. The one-two combo is on the fix list! Love the new idea of pushing the player. We'll try it out! I also see those birds and traffic cones in my nightmares, as much testing happened with the game. There are more terrifying things to come... Thanks again for such great feedback Nijelous!

Thank you so much, I really couldn't have done without your support!

Thank you so much!!  I appreciate your feedback very much, For me (I'm not very good at timing things) the teleport is a nice save, but I'm very happy to have another perspective on it! We will be working on this post-jam and will definitely be adding an options menu with a volume slider and other tweaks.  The tutorial at the beginning of the game is a great idea, as not everyone learns by reading! Thank you so much again for your feedback and thoughts!!

Thank you so much!!! I'm so glad that you liked the art! The mouse click is super fun to me and I'm so happy you enjoyed it as well!

Aw geez, thank you so much!!! Your comments mean so much. I'll check out your game when I can! I loved the animation I saw when you were developing it!

Oh my goodness, Thank you!!! Those crawlers are my worst enemy. I'm not quite as good as Tehryan is at the game, but those have killed me the most! I'm so glad you're enjoying it and coming back for more :)

Aw, thank you so much!! 

Thank you! I'm very happy you liked the movement, We want to add more sliding-only obstacles in the future to make that mechanic more useful!! :D

Aw geez, thank you, ya goober! 

Thanks so much! I'm so glad you liked the mechanics and music!! 

(1 edit)

HOLY CARP. Okay, so hello. You may have gathered (pun included) that I'm Enteal's girlfriend. I was so excited to play this. Genuinely. Now! First! A very heart Congratulations to all of you! This game is so sweet, I couldn't stop playing and I loved every minute of it. 

So! What immediately stood out was the personality of this game. I loved Ralph, and I loved the bees quietly spreading about and pollinating the flowers. I was already invested in looking at every little pixel of detail, and when I found that you animated the water filling and the honey collecting for the character I was so excited. And THEN, then, you went and animated the water filling up in the hot bar along with the honey jar doing the same. WHAT. THE DETAIL. Take a bow right now!!!!!

I have very little criticism for this game. The only thing that stood out to me was when I clicked the menu was difficult to see. That's it! Lol!

I am now following and am so excited to see what you create next. Don't stop! You both inspired me, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to play this game. Thank you for making it!

A very hearty congratulations for getting this posted! And your first time coding as well! Massive high five my friend. Thank you so much for your review and feedback on Tehryan and I's game! Here's my feedback for yours :) 

I thought this concept was super cool. I kept getting the hands caught on obstacles, and the collision seemed a little too much. Phew! When the music started getting faster I immediately knew I had to go faster, That was great input! I loved the guitar and just ate everything in sight! 

You did a sincerely wonderful job solo, and please keep making more games! I am hungry for more. :)