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A member registered Dec 17, 2021

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Now that I've completed all the levels I just wanted to come back to say I still love this game and can't believe it's still free. As a film buff I especially loved playing the scenes from some of my favourite movies and also being taken to new places and times like the revolutionary war and a pirate's ship. A few things I'd love to see in the future from this game - 

1: As a completionist, I'd love to a way to distinguish when you've completed a level on a certain level or with and what perks activated. 

2: Protube/provolver support. That would be a workout! :) Also, maybe, I don't have one, but vest support would be cool too. Haptic feedback makes everything better haha.

Ok thanks for listening. As always, looking forward to future updates from this game (there have already been an impressive amount!) and the eventual release of 1.0. Keep up the amazing work :)  

Amazing! Thank you! Can't wait to try it out and make it through some of the levels I was struggling with 馃槄

i mean how you have to figure out the last enemey to kill/be strategic with the order of your kills. Id love to be able to walk aroind with smooth locomotion.

Big fan of this game - very stylish and lots of content and it's FREE! One day would love to be able to just walk around levels (and still grab weapons and teleport to them) without the puzzle element as I feel the shooting mechanics are fun (and difficult) enough on their own and the puzzle element can add a bit of frustration. But if you ever did update the game to include that as a playable option I would pay money. Worth money in this state, honestly. Well done!

So cool! Do more, I will play :)