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A member registered Aug 14, 2019

Recent community posts

You is a motherfucker! How can you just end the game right there! AGGGHHHHH FUCK THE MEMES WERE KILLING ME BUT I GOT INVESTED RIGHT AT THE END GOD DAMMIT

getting an issue where when i attempt to launch the game through the program it only ever calls the installer program. Anyway to fix this so hitting launch with run the game instead?

Commenting from an internet browser, don't know if anyone else is having this issue but for some reason trying to access this page in the program causes it to crash

Honestly fantastic game. Many times during playing i'm just sitting here going "How tf is this just the prologue?!" The setup for chapter 1 has me hooked, can't wait for more updates! Also Everyone saying anything about waifu's is wrong, Jimmy is the best waifu. He's a true bro, And is worth every copper