Hola! Muchas gracias por tu interés, escríbeme (escribirme quien quiera) a spectrum48128@gmail.com
Soy yo el que te da las gracias por crear el MUCHO128K, es una herramienta que da alas a la creatividad, si el de Komppa estaba guay, el tuyo (Furillo) es maravilloso. Por supuesto seguimos en contacto, han sido unos días geniales charlando contigo a cualquier hora. Por cierto, quiero darte una edición física en cassette!
My website is www.sequentiasoft.com but is provisional because it is under construction and I want to change the entire internal structure. My other website is www.frankapilla.com (my job)
Muchas gracias por tus palabras 😊 es maravilloso encontrar a alguien como tú que sabe apreciar el arte y el trabajo artístico detrás de este juego.
En cuanto a la experiencia en un spectrum real no hay mucho problema porque cuando te matan, aunque sea muy avanzado el juego ya sabes lo que hay que hacer y vuelves al mismo lugar en dos o tres minutos con las opciones correctas. Quizá es más satisfactorio el The TIME MACHINE ya que hay menos posibilidades de morir y en passwords entre niveles.
Hello thanks!! The game works very well in Spectaculator. After the intro press any letter to start the game (make sure you have Play activated on the emulator cassette).
And if you press i you see the intro again.
Tell me if you can play, if you have little experience with that emulator I will record a short video for you.
Agradecimientos (están dentro del juego desde la versión 1.0 , 20 agosto 2023):
A Aryekaix por el testeo exhaustivo para la versión 1.0 final, a Urbatain por la idea del inventario, a RamonMax por los consejos de ritmo, a Jari Komppa (creador del engine), a Juanjo Muñoz (CAAD) y a Briefer por traducir a inglés; y a Spirit003 y Jade por indicaciones varias.
Hello, thanks for the suggestion. I'm not going to put a demo because I don't have time, a lot of work and it's not really worth it either. I encourage you to trust and buy the game, if you like platformers, you're going to enjoy it a lot and if you're patient and go all the way, you'll see a beautiful ending. Thank you so much!
Here english version: https://sequentia-soft.itch.io/a-light-in-the-snow
Hello, there was a problem from the beginning in chapter4. You're not supposed to go down the crater with the rope until the end of chapter 4. First you have to find out what's in the coded blast door. Therefore, it is a mistake to be able to go down the crater and go to chapter 5 so soon. I have already corrected that. You can only go down the crater at the end of chapter 4.
You have to enter a code on the armored door. You have to add 264 + 264 because there are two signs with the same number and because Weena somewhere tells you that they are numbers that complement each other. So I thought that the one who put that armored door there (John Titor) put that key, the sum of the two signs, the only ones there are.
I'm going to fixing the other English spelling errors. Thanks!!
Hello friend, I thank you for the great testing that you are doing. It's just what the game needed. Between your testing and the Jade's testing (in the Spanish version), you are helping me a lot.
I just updated with almost everything fixed. v 0.9.6.
However there are some things that I have not found:
<<When at mountain wall with huge closed stone door, you can select "East" and "Este". "East" will give you the GL264 code, while "Este" will take you east>>
<<Every time using the M15 you are wrongly told that there are 0 bullets left>>
You will not be able to find the error, maybe it will only appear in certain circumstances?
Fixed all this in the new version 0.9.5. Many thanks!
However, in Phase 2, the lamp was wrongly programmed before, it must be used when David gives it to you. Then you use it from the inventory in the place of the cars.
Now it is as it should be.
Test that everything works fine, please. And maybe we will make updates with possible improvements! Thank you!
Muchas gracias, Jade, por lo que me comentas, gracias a tu extenso testeo jugando (y también al de Spirit003 en la versión inglesa, y el de más compis) estoy puliendo todo esto. Va a quedar un juego muy perfecto en cuanto vayamos solventando todos los errores que son fácilmente reparables. Ya casi tenemos la versión 0.9.4 y mejorando...
I just finished an UPDATE >> 0.9.3
I think I have fixed everything you tell me. There may be one more error (even in grammar).
I have write your name as thanks within the game (intro) and here, in the description of this page also. Tell me if you want me this nick Spirit003 or another name. Thanks! And any error you see tell me because you help me a lot. I would like to make the game as good as possible in the English version. I'm sure there will be more updates. :)
I just finished an UPDATE >> 0.9.3
I think I have fixed everything you tell me. There may be one more error (even in grammar).
I have write your name as thanks within the game (intro) and here, in the description of this page also. Tell me if you want me this nick Spirit003 or another name. Thanks! And any error you see tell me because you help me a lot. I would like to make the game as good as possible in the English version. I'm sure there will be more updates. :)