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A member registered Feb 24, 2023

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Impossible, im playing this on my laptop and i tryed so many times :,D

god damn


Please make it easier :,D

nvm, the other mode is better

God i hate flappybird :,D

please do something else

Is it only me or is that game hard? I allready selled 4 girls and still i feel like something is missing <.<

Maybe you could lower the energy cost per interaction and please make the charakter faster, his sprinting speed schould be his walking speed

where can i sell piss and what does affection? Never were able to get it realy high... would be nice if u add some more information about the stats and what they do

but i think with a little fine tuning this could be a great game! I already love u work, just wanted to make some suggestions

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somehow it reminds me of "My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend"....

Well... nice animations in scene 2 but this is nothing for me...

Looks very good so far... hope it will be more soon xD

But nice work!

I finished too but at my run only one is missing, the last in the 3rd row, you have it

it doesnt even start T-T

just crashes from the beginnging

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Would be funny if she could explode when youre overdoing it, but not gore like! Just like in the comis "POP" "BAM" etc.without too much graphic information

Am I missing something?