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Sensei Tips

A member registered 93 days ago

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When is the public release of v0.5 and v0.6

Umm who is the strongest Pokemon that I can get?

Bro gl at being one of the biggest adult creator in Mexico and overthrowing goverment of Mexico :)

Ok nice keep it going I find this game cool

It's title is A GENIN TALE :)

i think it's about genin Naruto thing pls fix it

Bro your new Naruto game dialogue is not properly aligned so it's hard to read

Thanks for the reply😍

Hays idk anymore why I'm dissapointedi cause most Isekai hentai game I played the first time mc got power he's personality has to be carefree or don't care if he shared he's from another world I mean wtf hays not all people has same pace when being summon or reincarnate tbh urs is summon not reincarnate cause reincarnate means being born in another world with CHILD'S BODY with/without memory idk can't be the mc be cool or deep thinker from the start and dominate woman by just being a mastermind a manipulated or something!?

Sorry I just can't take it there so many game I played cause of hero or mc foolishness he's partner got raped by another man or died hays SORRY FR! I just can't stand the sight some one owning my woman!! If they do that's I always go crazy my mind is always angry even if it's a game is she mine and sometried to put another man or betray me it's either I delete the game or I get angry

Sorry I'm just full anger rn I hate how reality is displayed in the game when I'm basically running away from reality, people are foolish, ignorant, greedy always act without thinking about the consequences and I hate it! I hate that they always fall cause of kindness sometimesn i wonder if kindness is foolishness well tbh kindness is a weapon to commit evil thing if you act kind u can most of the time avoid suspiciousness about you by acting foolish or u can take advantage of other person by making their guard down using kindness hays

Bastat puta ka  walang kuwentang mc always an idiot!! Baka!!

Is this male protagonist or female? I'm asking cause ur intro is quite confusing (I like male protagonist so I am asking just to be sure and not waste my MB.)

Ohhhhh glad the game is not dead like other and ty for the info

I notice ur game has lot of Gigabites  to he specific it's 2.4G so is this still a demo?

Umm! Your game is good I played it last month when the game is working on mobile idk if it's still working rn

I read the comments section and it seems there's a problem rn

Pls make it work on mobile on the future I will be back hahaha 

Btw i believe u can do it!

Even if it takes months , years , or decade! I shall return😂

I'm addicted into this game!





Anyway good game just add auto save cause I almost finish but I didn't save and I have to redo it cause I thought there's a auto save thing 😭 

Update faster broooooo my patience is limited! Joke aside pls update haha we're waiting!!

Good but pls add girlsssssss it's so boring it's only nami no storyyyyy yet

First find the woman in the well then go back to the root and cut it btw i suggest buy curse compast

All I want to say is what's the code to extreme path😭

Tbh this game story is made half ass but all the sex scene is good 👍 

IT would be better if you add mini game or something so it won't focuse on sex always 

Btw I said your story is half ass cause it all happened too fast and the way you make the mc got caught is not really convincing cause as fast as I know haki user (which is her mother) can immobilized an Opponent with thought so mc being caught and be a hostage is impossible and u make the mc look super dumb cause he make her mother got caught cause of the him 

and the mc is super hypocrite person he always think about saving the girl which clearly he just want to have sex 

Well I understand about he's trauma about he's mother getting caught but still can't u think better reason and not always same reason?

Anyway pls make the story good it's not always about sex... Take BOOTY HUNTER for reference it's super good I think u know the game the only down side of that game is it's super lag 😭 

Anyway thanks for reading my nonsense 😜