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A member registered Aug 14, 2019

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(1 edit)

v0.1.1: Ahh, I like the anti-littering thing. Smooth.

So I have a crash that I have been able to replicate repeatedly. Trying to put this barrel down (haven't tried with other objects) in this spot freezes the game. A little higher and she won't put it down. A little lower and it goes down fine. Right here in the middle, it locks up. Doesn't seem to happen in the object in the way is on the tile below. 

Edit: Actually, the barrels just seem to be a little fragile. Crashed just putting one down elsewhere. No issue with crates yet.

Bug report, Day 2.

I’m not sure how I did it, but when aligning the scoop, I turned it too far and realised it kept going up. So I spent a minute just rotating the scoop around and around and got my max speed up to 200 before letting it go. My coolant went instantly foul, of course.

I don't remember if this was warned, but I just picked up a job to deliver 6 crates. So I picked them up and placed them on the cargo lift, then the 6th was next to the lift for a quick up-down-up, but the 6th had disappeared when I came back down. 

Presumably the game "forgot" about the crates that were not left out of the loading bay, but this obviously scuppered the quest. 

Also, the 2 crates of Mundane crystals from the first job just didn't get picked up when I dropped them off. Presumably the conversation with the alien about the freight office overwrote the quest?

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I don't know if this is where you want bugs, Yahtz, but here goes.

So I just reached Zagu Prime and it's frozen-ish. I was in looking at the system map as I reached it and it looks like it's closed the map down to a blue vertical bar, but now it's stuck. I say ish, because as I typed this my engine just exploded and the alarm is now sounding in my ear.

I'll restart and see if I can recreate it.

EDIT: Confirmed, did it a second time. Looking at the system map as you reach the planet soft locks.

PS. Not to gush, but I'm a big fan of your work, and I think I'm going to love this game. And if bug hunting helps, then I'm gonna bug hunt the shit outa this.