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Evan Sellers

A member registered May 05, 2016 · View creator page →

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The main thing I noticed with WebGL is there are usually way fewer frames I found when things were acting buggy or slow either using fixed update or ensuring you were calculating using delta time helped.

RHIT-jam-2024 community · Created a new topic Day 3
(1 edit)

Never thought I would say this... but too much coding this weekend. I am very ready for a break. I am putting the final touches on my game. I had a lot more planned than I would have liked to do, but at this time I am reaching my limit 😆. Will be finishing it up soon and posting.

Unsure how much detail is required in the design docs thought.

Also big thanks to my fiancee for not killing me this very long weekend.

Same. At the same time though, I feel like polish is good.

Scope creep has started to kick in. I was planning so many more mechanics but I think at this time we are looking at just having lasers and one more mechanic. So far we have 9 levels and I am planning 4 more. I spent wayyy to much time trying to get the auto tiling to work and it's working... 5 hours later. Still need to add my Alphaca in - just envision that the white square is an Alpaca.

I am making a 2D puzzle game where you are a scientist who is trying to develop a cure for a pandemic. You get sick and try the cure on yourself. It ends up turning you into an alpaca and you can control gravity. Not 100% sure on the story yet but that's the basic concept.

I currently have completed...

  • Player Controls
  • Gravity Controls
  • Level Control