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A member registered Sep 21, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hello! My name is Gillian and I am a pixel artist! So far I have been an artist for Cafe du Creature, Just Bananas, and  Space Pirates! (by 18dramos). I prefer to work in pixel but I am somewhat flexible. All I need a team that has a competent director and a friendly and responsible dev team! I would prefer if the director has proof of their merit as I have had bad interactions with directors in the past. Please message me here or on discord (baby snakes #9720 ) if you are interested in having me on your dev team! 

(1 edit)

Whoops, sorry I didn't catch he twitter but thanks for responding! I'd be willing to manage a discord server if you wanted one but don't want to upkeep it

Hey! We both entered the short n sweet jam together! I was on the lookout for a month long Halloween Jam and I'm happy to see that you are making one! However, I have a few ideas in my head of what I want to do. Will the theme be necessary to follow and will it be specific or broad? Do you plan on making a discord or twitter for the jam? It's nice seeing you again! -Gillian Sneve

Hello! I am a pixel artist wanting to contribute to this jam! I can't program at all but I have been wanting to help make a fishing game for awhile! I am also wondering if the mods would be willing to make a discord server? I think it is a good way to build a community and encourage communication!

The Golden book series wasn't a direct inspiration, but I am glad as it shares a general mood that I wanted represented in my game. So! Thank you Jmation!

Thank you pianotm!

Thank you so much Just Bees! 

Cute! Love the chess game play! ♡

Cute! Love the chess game play! ♡

Very cute! I love the art style! ♡

Very cute! I love the art style! ♡

Cute! ♡

Cute! ♡

Very cute! I love the tiny low res aesthetic! ♡

Very cute! I love the tiny low res aesthetic! ♡

Very cute and neat idea! ♡

Very cute and neat idea! ♡

Very cute! Very creative concept! ♡

Very cute! Very creative concept! ♡

Very sweet!♡

Very cute! I loved the spoons at first since they are so cute but now they scare me! ♡

Very cute! I loved the spoons at first since they are so cute but now they scare me! ♡

Quality is amazing! I could easily see this as an app! ♡

Very cute but very difficult!  ♡

Very cute! IMakes me wish it were Halloween! ♡

Very cute! IMakes me wish it were Halloween! ♡

Very short and sweet! I love it! ♡

Very short and sweet! I love it! ♡

Very cute! I love the music! ♡

Very cute! I haven't finished it yet, but I look forward to doing so! ♡

Very cute! I loved the opening! ♡

Very cute! I loved the opening! ♡

Very cute! The angry bee cracked me up! ♡

I love frogs and the color green 10/10 ♡

I love Rocket Snail! ♡

Very cute! I love how you  pulled off the low res aesthetic! ♡

Very cute! Brought a tear to my eye it is so sweet! ♡

Very cute! It is very cozy and reminds me of the movie,  Fantastic Mr. Fox! ♡