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A member registered Jan 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nice game! I wish it got a little harder over time, but still really fun!

Really is simple but hard! Great job!

appreciate the support!

thanks! Glad you liked it!

yeah I used to use MonkeyType a ton and this was definitely inspired by it!


thanks haha!

thanks for the feedback!

thank you!


glad you like it :D

thank you!

Thanks, this was my first time messing around with ragdolls too, and honestly costed me way more dev time than I would have liked to admit haha!

(1 edit)

I'm really glad you thought it was fun to speedrun! I realized that some pickups were too far out of the way, but I also thought it could allow for more unique routing. I really appreciate your feedback, and I'll try to remember to remove the lights as soon as the jam is done lol!

Fantastic! I have no clue how you managed to make a game with this much polish in 3 days! I really hope you win this!

I like the flinging, but I wish your normal movemen't wasn't as slow. Fun time anyways!

thanks for the feedback!

thank you!

thank you so much! Glad you thought it was funny!

I woulda loved to, but I was designing the game with speedrunning in mind, and I didn’t want to have speedrunners need to grind for upgrades or something. I did consider it though!

super fun game!

Fun game! kinda like natural selection vibes haha

nice fun game! For 3 hours this is pretty impressive, and it has good game balance and fun mechanics too! Great job!

thank you for the kind words :)

yeah I forgot about it til the end lol

thanks! Appreciate the feedback!


Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! The aiming circle is actually still pretty small, so you probably are really good at it haha :D

thank you so much! I really appreciate your feedback!

thanks! I appreciate it!

thanks! Glad you enjoyed it so much!

thanks! The score shouldn’t be bugged but too late to fix it haha 


Thanks, fellow a la mode submitter :D

thanks! I really appreciate the feedback!

Great suggestion! Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks! I'm glad they look delicious!

Nice job! Fun game with creative interpretation of the theme!

Great job! This has insane levels of polish, and I can tell you used your time extremely wisely! You should be very happy with your game :D