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A member registered May 29, 2017

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God this one was fun. sexy the first time round too when i was trying to get him to be all gentle and sexy for her the second time round when I just focused on getting beat up till she had too much fun but by the third i was just focused on winning.  really got into her head and was sooooooo frustrated when he turned on that music felt like taking a step back. still it was super satisfying when I Exited Stage Left especially given how close we were to giving in when that bell rang. Also checked my phone Glad to see the minions care.
don't know why i got so into this and into her head but I did. really good work

I love the whole mood manipulation thing. it was in the middle of my second play through that I realized it was real. caught the hint at the opening and some of the choices seemed to indicate 2 things at once. (one mentioned both a shock and something sharp and another getting stunned and getting hit.) but I was not quite sure if it meant what I thought it meant till the second run. 

gonna take more runs at it I found ends 2 7 and i forget the other end I found but it wasn't 1 

also glad to read that there is an extended universe here. gonna check out this tumblr as I wanna spend more time in the Fun house that is Exit's head.