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A member registered Mar 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks ill check that out

Would you be willing to sell the source for this it would be immensly helpful as elements of this are really awesome. How the cars handle and the carema works just works together so nicely. And cars can jump also

The limitation on dashes is delibrate. The player can jump twice by default and theres a limiation on how many times u can dash also. And how far it goes. This can all be adjusted on oEntity create event.
Ill double check tomorrow to ensure that dashing isnt removing a jump. If so its a quick fix. To get jumps or dashes back simply land on ground again.

(1 edit)

Ok so ive looked into this. Not sure how the slope part happened. But ill get on that.

as for the dash go into "oEntity" create event. Right at the top theres a variable for disabling dash. Put it to true and it will work.

Wall sliding is working in the build i uploading. So not sure what issue your imexperiencing there.