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A member registered Jun 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Merci pour le chien et ce potijeu très mignon !

(1 edit)

J'aime toujours les trucs un peu rigolos de Rrrrose donc je m'y suis lancée avec le sourire. Je ne m'attendais pas à voir ce monde incroyablement détaillé, c'est fou, on peut faire d'autres choses que "juste" amener GAMIN Lesli vers le colis pour sa maman, on peut visiter, aller dans des cavernes, se baigner, entendre de beaux dialogues, reconnaître plein de pokemon et même presque se battre !
Bref, un super chouette jeu très cool, dans un univers que l'on connaît mais que l'on aime à voir adapté comme ça. J'aime tout, j'aime les subplots, la team Rocket, les chansons, les cours de danse un peu ratés, les sprites super rigolos. Beau boulot !

Awwww I just lost my beloved pet cat and it was comforting to play this little gem. Thank you!!

That's a cute game, I love it!!! Thank you :)

I think this game has much more depth than the cutesy VN-pink Unpacking-ish feeling you initially get. I thought that the flavor text in all of Yamasen-chan's putative belongings added much to the atmosphere --and I wish they would have played a role in how she evaluated her place after my work was done, which is one of the slight flaws this game has. 
I also feel that her slow descent into more and more seclusion was very touching and hit close to home after the pandemic. Thank you for this game, I think it will stay with me for some time. 

I like to feel both fulfilled and used so I'm happy to have played with Cat. 
Also, could we have a little page with info about him? Like his real-life characteristics, his age, name, what he does enjoy, etc., please? I'd be happy to learn more about my new friend!

Quel jeu INCROYABLE, j'ai énormément ri à voir ces beautés ! Merci pour le Miaouss, et pour ce Pikachouquinou

Instructions unclear, I ended up grooming dogs in Albuquerque. I recommend it <3

Thank you for the heads up! I just added a scrolling bar--you should have access to the quiz now :)