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A member registered Jun 09, 2020

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We did this one on our YT channel. HERE is a link to the video.

Overall, an awesome concept, great visuals, and relaxing puzzle solving music. We only did a small look into the beginning of the game, and maybe it just takes some practice to get the controls down. 

I would say that lowering the gravity slightly to make the platforming a little easier, and widening the FOV would go to great lengths to bring the game up a notch. Lastly, we have to talk about the ball physics. 

We tried for maybe a little too long to get the first (and easiest) ball into the tub, but could never do it. Having a push mechanic, or a different way of interacting with the balls would also make a huge difference. I was thinking something like a breath of the wild dungeon where the ball falls down a series of contraptions and you need to place strings on the wall from a distance to get it into the tub may make for a better experience. 

I'm mostly spit balling with my limited experience with this game, so I wouldn't take too much of it to heart though. Awesome job! We're all really proud of you!