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A member registered Oct 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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Dustin c:

i'd love to play the game, but as soon as I get into the game proper it flashes violently no matter what i do :c I've tried different resolutions, turned vsync on and off and I've tried in fullscreen and windowed and nothing seems to fix the flashing problem

I really enjoyed chapter 1 and love your writing style and the world you've built! Can't wait for chapter 2!

Very promising start! The amount of customization options is very neat, and the nightmare sequence had a great atmosphere! Plus I love the neat things you're doing with the selectable text in the demo and how the words will change or the sound effects trigger. Fun!

I'd definitely recommend enlisting the help of a beta reader. I definitely noticed a few typos and they'll also be able to help out when the coding decides to be a butt and not give the right pronoun or give the right form of the pronoun.

I'm very interested in this and looking forward to its development!

I enjoyed my time with the game and it absolutely spooked me! But I think I might've missed some of the visual elements because I really don't understand what happened in the house and what happened to her. Plus the head bobbing/camera wobbling got on my nerves. However, this is a neat game. I'm too much of a coward to explore abandoned buildings so it's nice to be able to do so in a game c:

Really enjoyed the game and the presentation! I like intimate horror like this (for lack of a better term). The atmosphere was great and I loved the voice acting! My only complaint would be to maybe specify how many endings there are in the game, because I feel like there are only two endings. I would love to see this game expanded on and maybe more endings added too! While I'm a little sad that it seems like there are only two endings, I haven't played anything like this game before and I'm happy that I found it.