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A member registered Apr 24, 2021

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From the beginning before playing I fell in love with Stella's character who is beautiful but looks tomboyish. Even when I play, I enjoy the side scrolling battles and I love to see the town design.

This game is good because it has a unique artstyle, which is like hand-drawn, the colors are striking, and the characters are cute, so it spoils the eye. Scene graphics are interesting because they are drawn like comics. Interesting npc details. The story quite interesting too.

But in terms of control, it's a bit difficult for me to adjust because the E and Q controls are close to the motion controls, making it difficult for me to control fights.

During playing stellagale I found several bugs, namely a bug in the graphics of the place near the beach which made the character cut off and there was one place that could not be passed without any reason. Then it always stuck during the tutorial with Gale in the white room so I stopped playing (there was no follow-up event at that time) and continued prologue 3. [1094]