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A member registered Sep 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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that's very strange! At the lowest setting the camera shouldn't even move technically. It would make the sensitivity 0. Sorry you're having that experience. I'll do some troubleshooting to see if I can find a cause.

(1 edit)

There are sensitivity settings in the main and pause menu! Also the game was designed and tuned to be played with a controller! Yes I've heard that feedback for mouse and keyboard users for sure. Tune using the settings and hopefully you can have a better experience.

my favorite of all the games so far. This game oozes style <3

Hi, friend! I uploaded a compressed folder version of the game. Feel free to try it out and hopefully it doesnt give you any of those warnings. Thanks again for giving me a heads up!

Thanks so much!

Shoot! I was afriad of that happening. I packed it up as an exe. I'll change it to a compressed folder and it'll be fixed by the end of the day. Sorry about that!