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A member registered Sep 30, 2022

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I once lost my lease and deputy, but forgot to save and they same back, lol, also, does this happen? It sometimes freezes in around New-leaf? Not the other seasons, so like as soon as it finishes the current season before New-leaf it just freezes and I have to restart and it sometimes doesn’t save? Otherwise the game is great

Lucky ,lol

I agree, Ssunny 

This game is awesome! Has any of your cats lost their tails? Like it’s been chopped off? It’s rly annoying for me,

Can I play this on mobile?

I don’t think so, I’ve wanted to play on mobile, there is a website but I do know what or where it is….

did you restart your device? That sometimes works 

Does this work on a MacBook?

Does anyone know a webver that can play on mobile?

Do u know a website that we can play on mobile? I’ve heard it does work….

Did you restart and close all tabs? It’s worked for me

  I heard there was a website that might work?…..

Oh well, thanks anyway.

Is it an app? Or is it because I’m using an IPad? I’ve herd about this Clangen and so want to play it! 

What’s the game called? I’m having trouble finding it!