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A member registered May 30, 2022

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Ezmore's crystal is a fun game to play when you are alone and bored. There are many levels, the hard, normal and the medium, it is named different like peasant, knight and lord which is an interesting way to name the levels. The sprites and the characters are nice and killing the goblins to move forward and different goblins with different weapons is fun. But I think that there are some minor things not major minor such as – I think that if the movement of the character had been done using the keyboard it would have been much better because sometimes you don’t know what to do because you are stuck. Using the mouse for hitting the monsters or the goblins is a great idea. It also lags a bit, not too much but sometimes it can be annoying. Also, I think that if we can move freely without going to the red dressed girl it would have been better because you always must go back to her because she will give you different tasks and she constantly talks to you and get into a loop, and you cannot get out of it, and you must talk to them to move on. The sound effects and the constant background music keep you engaged in the game, which also makes it interesting. The tutorials are also helpful when you are just starting to play, and it is given by the red dressed girl which is also a good way to give instruction and tutorial. Overall, the game is well made, good and fun to play.