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A member registered Mar 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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awesome work on the Armstrong man. It looks really dope and the planet moving and the stars are great.

the buttons are a bit small and the texts in the buttons look a bit squashed. different font and higher scale of the buttons would have made the pages great.

the navigation button with earth: the text is very hard to absorb and does not catch your attention as a user. I think better colour contrast would have made it better.


For the Home Page:The glow in the text in the buttons and the small and very pleasing art with matching background is very attractive already give a bit of an overview of the project I am going through. Personally, I think a bit bigger buttons would have had made it more pleasing as everything has a glow and similar fonts the buttons and just a regular heading look on the same level in the hierarchy.

For the Your page: all the functionality is inch-perfect and hats off to the orbit functionality. maybe a more distinctive button for nav or controls.

awesome work Tracey a lot to be inspired with. special sounds and the moving planets seem so good and smooth. however, on the student showcase page on hovering the buttons, some buttons overlap each other and overlap other buttons. and the buttons on the home page would have been perfect with the same size for the aesthetic feeling. I had to be very picky to come up with criticisms. Thank you