I can't believe I finished this
Gamepad vertical movement is reversed.
I don't get how you're supposed to play, or how it should be properly controlled.
Please make more. I wanna pay.
A lot of art, but the gameplay is tedious.
Waste of 13 seconds.
First play through. finished the game in 3 seconds by suiciding asap.
Shouldn't be qualified. It's too good.
I'll try it. Thanks.
I got stuck on the Teleport part. I keep holding triangle, but I can't reach the other side.
Gamepad (any) doesn't work.
Remove the Gamepad (any) tag since it doesn't work
Remove the tag Gamepad (any) since it doesn't work.
What twists!
Can I win?
Great simulation, man! I felt like I'm in space.
Simply the best game, of course :D
Great simulation. Different settings could be implemented as levels.
Great audio, but not enough difficulty in the levels.
Great stuff! Tight and fun.
Needs level design. And what should I do when coins land on spikes?
Dafuq just happened?
Ugh.. Too fast
This is a simulation of really advanced computation concepts. I loved it!
Great art!