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Saturn Murray

A member registered Mar 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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So rude and entitled. You should be ashamed to speak to hardworking game developers like that.

you can open up the script in the game files if you wanna peek! I can make a walkthrough too

let ra show you around! You can’t get 3 ra hearts sadly but I believe he has 2 endings. There is also a 2some ending of course. 

hey! All of my games are made with Ren’Py and have a voiceover option. Just press V and it will be read aloud. Although this game has descriptions of events happening, you have inspired me to implement an image reader. I hope the game is playable for you!! 

Thank you so much!!

very fun game!! i loved the dungeon.

(1 edit)

Part 4 and 5. 


excited for the new updates!!!

Hey!! im super excited for this update!! Is there a way to transfer my game data to this new version? I downloaded this game in the browser T_T

I really appreciate your support! Thank you so much for enjoying my games. <3

thank you so much! How lovely to have a fan,

hello! It has been ported to android! :))) 2 years late I’m so sorry. 

part 3

I made a playthrough!! Just part 1 and 2 for now. I love it so far!!

Ill add them here as i do them if its ok?

This game is great, but the voice acting and the change of song made the game less creepy, and more made me laugh. Love the art style and the concept, but the tone is different to the original.

thanks so much user CrzyCatLover! >;3

Me and my boyfriend played Five Nights At Shreks Hotel together and it ignited my passion immensely. beautiful game. i am all riled up. thank you shrek. ;)))))))

beautiful game thanks Si i love it so much

very simple and well executed concept :) i played a year or so again and came back to replay

what endings have you gotten? :))

At this time i am unsure of how to port to android, but I will look into it. 

I just had a look through the script - And it appears I have made it physically impossible to get three Ra hearts!!! :((( I may go back on this concept and if so, I can promise you your three Ra hearts. I am very sorry!!!!! Thank you so much for playing my game.

its been a year and i still think about this game. it just all slotted together well. I've never seen a thesaurus implemented into a visual novel  apart from this one. i learnt things from this game. thank you very much.

oh wow!! These sprites are absolutely stunning!! I only have a Mac I wish I could play. 

This game is looking good!! I'm liking the colour scheme, the forth wall breaks, and the awkwardness.  The whole gag with the MC's last name was hilarious.

At first, I admit, I was sceptical that this was going to be another Creepy Horror DDLC Ripoff(tm), but I was wrong.

 The way you write the MC's thoughts gives great insight into each character, hearing about past conversations about them with Rika, and stories heard about them through the grapevine is an awesome way to fill in the player. After each introduction I felt immediately more love for the club. 

Mariko is very mature, Mei is very interesting, Rika is hilarious, and Kira is the cutest bean. I'm excited to see how their exploring goes, The link between the house and the dream segment has left an errie feeling. 

Great work!! I'll be looking forward to playing the finished version! :)

your download and install instructions made me laugh XD I am  excited to try this out!! will get back to you with a review.

i have never seen such an amazing download page... I'm very excited to play this.

you too!! <3

Hey! I really enjoyed this a lot. I shared it with a friend. I found it very casually deep, I really like how you balanced humour, ideas about the afterlife, and just funny little ticks and mannerisms and flaws of each of the characters. it feels very down to earth and relatable. 

I also love the Geocities vibe. :) I hope you make another game!!

how do I download this?

I wish you luck on your studies!! 


I loved exploring Dr. Frank's house, I love the map aspects so much.  honestly this is one of my favourite games.

Also looking at the WIP stuff in the extras was great!! I loved seeing your process!!

What the heck this game was too short! The end scene was great XD 

The dictionary, and the overall GUI and aesthetic was fantastic. The story was intriguing and the characters were all very likeable. The BL scenes were subtle and they did not disrupt from the story or personalities of the characters. I liked it lots.

I will for sure be replaying this again.


keep up the great work!

P.S: the music is catchy as hell

This is such a fun game. 

I love how maps are used for the majority of it, I make renpy games too, so it was really inspiring to see a game that is less visual novel and more point and click, really shows what you can do with it. 

I look forward to the next thing you make!! 



This is so cool!! Such a cool concept and well executed. 

Holy moly. This game is one of my favourite visual novels of all time now.. I was up at 2 in the morning trying not to wake up my parents with my laughing. 

The humour is so well done and it really feels like this is a game you all had a great time making. I am for sure going to buy the PDF!!!! 

Aw wow!! Yeah you so should!! I understand the feeling, I look back at games I made days ago and cringe. XD 

Awww this was really nice. I played it before bed and it was such a fuzzy thing to fall asleep thinking about!!!! It's simple and well done. just shows that you don't need anything crazy fancy to make a great game. I'll have to replay this when I feel scared of the dark.

Also, thank you for your top tier review on my game. <3

aaa this made me cry. i completed the whole game and sometimes I still think about it. I thought I should leave a comment to tell you. It's such a cool idea and It's well executed. I really enjoyed this a lot, thank you, Caleb is my favourite.<3