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A member registered Sep 18, 2022

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Hope all is well with you!! I'm cheering you on :]

1. I don't mind NSFW, and I'm definitely curious about the plot-importance. Like others said, a fade-to-black for those who'd like to abstain would be neat, and maybe you could somehow include a short little blurb about the important stuff.

2. Somehow, I don't really imagine the MC with a body. They are a disembodied voice that only has limbs when mentioned lol.

3. Oh I would love to see creepy things in the game. Peace and love to Zu, but the lack of mouth and his general face has wonderful potential to be unsettling. Furthermore, I feel like the visuals would lend well to some creepy moments.

4. I think the font is really readable and matches the vibes of the game, I have not had any problems reading it. Although, I have to admit,,,,for a short bit I read your name as Anier instead of finier because of this font...oops! Luckily, I didn't make that mistake in the game because it is in all caps!

I think pronoun selection would be great! I feel like it creates more immersion if that makes sense lol. Music didn't disturb me or anything, I think it helps creates atmosphere as much as the beautiful art does. Speaking of which, the colors, universe, and art style or Magenta are literally everything. Creative, compelling, and just AAA omg I can't wait for more. It inspired me to start creating again so thanks lol. 

The number of choices in the demo was good! Not too much, not too little. Sticking to 2-4 choices would make sense, I feel like that would keep it simple and not overwhelming the player with choice. Though I know I will be saving at the choice options so I can see every possible interaction lol. I think it would be pretty fun if the festival had a background character that was all vampire-victorian styled, that would so eat in your style. Wishing you the best!! :)

WOAH, this game was really good! Visually speaking, it's beautiful. The colors are so pretty and sasha is too! I love the art style. Even if the story is simple and the gameplay is quick, I had a great time playing it. I had fun getting all five endings and some parts were unexpectedly funny, too! :) great work!!