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A member registered 95 days ago

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I love the updates that you added. The music and the colors really enhance the experience. I would agree on checkpoints system or something similar to explore more of the options by going a few steps back rather than restarting the whole game. But overall, it looks great!

The story is great and the sound creates the setting very well. I also agree with the oxygen drain urgency but that is something that can be updated later. Overall, great concept and narratives. You explained to me the layout of that ship, it would really help if in the future you could add a top view sketch of the ship's layout and label all the rooms so the player knows where they'll be headed with the options they're selecting

The narrative and the concept of the game is amazing, I was instantly engaged in exploring and finding out where the little guy's adventures will take him. I love how there's multiple options and choices that lead to different outcomes, I played this numerous times and enjoyed all the paths.

The transition of the text was great and helped with following the dialogue. The narrative is very engaging and forced me to try again multiple times to see the other ways the story is going to end. One thing that I would've liked to have is more choices as a player, I wanted to lead the story differently in some passages. But overall I love the concept and the endings

I love the whole unsettling and creepy vibe. The concept and narrative is incredible, and elements are very engaging.

I always love your concepts! I think it's really interesting that you made a game out of the concept of audio-visuals and synesthesia. The game story and options were great

The concept and the storyline of the game is great. I loved the day/night theme and how it creates the settings of different scenes even without illustrations. And the writing is incredible, however, I tried playing a few times I couldn't get to the good ending sadly. 

The storyline of the game is very intriguing but I kept getting the same ending. Are there multiple endings or is there only one way this game ends? I played multiple times selecting different choices but I landed in the same spot. Nonetheless, great game, kept me engaged

The game is great, the artwork and sound effects create a good setting. It kept me engaged going into different rooms trying to figure out what's next.