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A member registered Jan 21, 2022

Recent community posts

Is it possible to play it on Joi play?

hi mofu, i just wanted to know how do i complete the mushroom guard mission

I was in doubt about something that appeared in the city again (or maybe I never paid attention) in which if you click on it, it shows a computer that asks to put a password but I don't know where to find that password, could you help me?

How do I get the watch key? I already know the code to put but I don't know how to put the code

How do I get the robot to the clothing store?

How does the finale bad?

 How do I put commands in the third Crisis and how do I unlock the secret achievements?

what days do the updates come out?

How do I see the update notes?

two questions: how do i enter the mask party?, and how do i complete the mansion maid challenge?

This mission

How do I have a residence in the new upper arcade? when i enter it is blocked for me 

what time does the update usually come out?

yes I'm talking about Alissa, how do you go on a date with her and cassie?

how do i go out on a date with cassie and the thug girl?

How do I get to the upper ark?

Thanks for Guide

What do I do after completing Cassie's route?

When will the update come out to the public?

ata thanks for the tip I managed to do this route

ata thanks for the tip I managed to do this route
what do i do in parasite mission?
but i already did it

How do I improve the poran at Cassie's house? being that at the end of it, it doesn't matter if I kill Dom or spare him and it looks like I made an ending