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A member registered Dec 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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I'm no expert, but as far as I know there is no other way on Itch Io to have your game play in a browser and be downloadable at the same time as there is currently.

I uploaded a bad file for a few minutes. It might be that you downloaded it in those. Simply delete the bad file and redownload the most recent one.

Deacon and Jason are two different characters. Jason is planned to be a side character only, with some fun scenes along the side. Deacon has his own route. I will make the requirements easier to find Deacon; you can look them up in 1.7 when the update is out.

I don't plan on doing so.

I understand, but I write this as a fun project for myself, so I don't have a schedule or anything and rather jump around, continuing where I enjoy it the most.  

You must have met Luke and decided to go to the gym with Alec instead of studying.

yes it is in the game

Deacon's route is the most complicated to reach. It comes later in the game, if you get along well with Alec and cancel Luke's route, there is an option to choose between Deacon's and Alec's 2 route.

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Sure, ideas and suggestions for improvement are always welcome.

Nice to hear that you enjoy my work, and thanks for pointing the duplication out. I haven't noticed it. Should be fixed now :)

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Currently, there is no route with the panther (if you mean him). He was only a side character to this point, but he might come back later in the story. If you mean the Tiger, he is about to get his own route.

Perchance AI

Its AI generated

Hey. I'm aware of those repetitions, and if I ever feel like correcting them, I will do so, but proofreading isn't my favorite task to do, so it really depends on me thinking about it while writing. Don't worry further, I'm already working on that one.  :)