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A member registered Jul 11, 2019

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A beautifully simplistic game which had me totally addicted. Yes, there are some glitches that need to be fixed, such as walking through walls and the eyes, but the wonderful array of voice clips and sound effects had me laughing throughout, and when I got caught in someone's garden and the eye wouldn’t let me out I was squealing with delight! I am sure that kids and adults alike will enjoy this game. I absolutely loved this, even though I could not find all of the notes!

A beautifully simplistic game which had me totally addicted.

The wonderful array of voice clips and sound effects had me laughing throughout, and when I got caught in someone's garden and the eye wouldn’t let me out I was squealing with delight! I am sure that kids and adults alike will enjoy this game. I absolutely loved this, even though I could not find all of the notes!