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Sam Seer

A member registered Feb 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Absolutely. And you inspired me to create a place to put haikus / play reports.  Post here!

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We all want to read your haikus and hear about your journeys. Post below!

I’m glad! 

Short answer: If you’re having fun and writing haikus, you’re doing it right.

Long answer: At a minimum, you write a haiku whenever you make the “Reflect” Move. At a maximum, well— there is no maximum. I love the idea of a haiku “journal entry” for every Move. 

P. S. That is a lovely haiku. 


thanks dion 😆 doubled-down on “in world” artifact! 

IKO, thanks for organizing this thing. It was really fun to create for. Can't wait to see what everyone makes!

Hey thanks for making it available— I just downloaded my copy!

Hi Jaclyn! I saw the description of your One-Page Dungeon submission and it looks SO good. Is it available for purchase anywhere?

If anyone is reading this, here's the hook: 

The party ascends an abandoned tower with the aid of the Staff of Centuria, which allows them to move between Past and Present versions of the tower, each with their own challenges and rewards!

友よありがとう / thank you my friend !!

Brilliant fun. 

Thanks for the extremely kinds words, Benji! Makes me want to make a version specifically for Zelda 🫢💡

And that’s right— a clackety d10. Just read the 10 as “0” for the moves (as opposed to “10”). 

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Thanks for the free stuff, Salt. These murder-hobo signs are really inspiring. Immediately makes me think of two things:

  • In Motherships' Gradient Descent module, there's a megadungeon with its own subculture of plunderers (called Divers). I love the idea of scattering these signs throughout it (or any megadungeon) creating this lived-in feeling. Like a group of people have been exploring the place for years.
  • I would also  be a great substitute for thieves cant. Thieves and lowlives can read it, but not just any Player Character.

Again-- thanks!

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Backed this project on Kickstarter and it completely exceeded my expectations. This simple tool generates not only a dungeon layout (as I expected) but system-neutral boss fights, traps, non-combat encounters, and more. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️