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A member registered Nov 02, 2021

Recent community posts

On wednesday i click on the observatory and it just says "i think this is where we have astronomy class" and in the afternoon when i click on it all it does is pass time and still says 0/2, how can i fix this??

adding katakuri is hilarious, havent passed the intro scene yet but i do hope he uses his devil fruit

did you finish all 3 dates?

Need help with looking for clues to see if Hazel is alright, where do I find said clues?

yes it is the volleyball in front of the school in eve, random chance for angelica or elana's scene

has nobody figured out the last '?' galley scene? if anyone figures it out please reply I cannot figure it out. I feel like it has something to do with Yamato and the park but everytime I click on the area it says "Under Development" let me know if you find it!