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Salted Games

A member registered Jan 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I attempted to submit my game, but I accidentally submitted the wrong game . By the time I noticed and deleted the old submission the time was up and I could not show the actual game. Is there anything I can do

The logs actually were not intentional. They were a mistake by me. You see, I originally had the penguin start at the very top of the screen , but after all the levels were designed I decided to start the penguin lower on the screen. This caused you to be directly in front of the logs.

Do you just mean a vehicle that travels through water via steam power, or does it have to be built like a traditional steamboat. 

I do not have permission to the game. If you give permission to everybody then I will requalify the game

I use a mac so I was not able to play it. However I read through the code and was able to piece together the game. I thought it was really good. It was hard to figure out who was talking sometimes though.

I like to make basic game generes but with a twist

Great game, However the movement is very slidy.

Hello, this is the developer! Thank you for your feedback. The earth story would have been really fitting. And I actually planned to have more mechanics but I changed from using the pico 8 game engine to the unity engine halfway through which caused me to not have enough time to add in extra features. I planned to have power-ups, multiple ships, and levels.  Here is an image of the missile design I was going to use-