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A member registered Jul 29, 2019

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ankmairdor and AricTriton, you're both absolutely right. I think I was reading way too far into things. That comment from FuturPlanet just read to me like the horny equivalent of the "Well, we're waiting" meme, which would be completely out of line for a free mod that understandably took lots of time, work, and energy. Which, again, I'm more than likely reading too much into that and I 100% apologize if that's the case. It's hard to get the nuance from text. 
Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication.

The amount of horny entitlement in this comment is astounding.

Aric's last reply on these threads was less than 2 weeks ago, they're still going through the bug-testing for v1.0.

Please wait patiently like the rest of us, I don't care what you feel like you're owed.

"He said a couple weeks" doesn't matter, Aric doesn't owe you or I anything no matter what he said.