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A member registered Oct 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

This Is not a post, Is Just a thanks.

The most important thing Is that the NarrowOne's community Is one of the best community ever, where people are ready to fight and to win, but also to loose and to compliment to the opponent.

To end this post, thank you, PelicanParty, to make us feel this beautyful emotions, but mostly, as I always say,  thank you for the Fun.

                                                              by SaintGeorge11,                                    in the name of everyone who agrees,

                                                                                 Thank you

(2 edits)

This Is a game developed from the hard work of the PelicanParty team between many years.            In this beautyful game you have to capture three enemy flag, while everyone has a bow.  You'll enter a fantastic game where, with the help of your teammate and with your bow's skill you'll try to win! 

There are a ton of map, six different bow's, unique charactare editable in the shop,  but mostly important, there Is FUN, the only thing that a game must offer.

                                                                               Thank you,

                                                               by SaintGeorge11  


Guys do you Remember the old good days when there were no Coin and only three map?

I Remember that the First time i played narrow One I thought i had tò shoot at the target🤣

Guys what do you think is the best combo for bow number two?