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A member registered Jul 07, 2022

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Ok I personally think that is game is great, and has a lot of potential so keep releasing new episodes :D

But I'm also having a problem with the saving system, if I save and then quit the game it doesn't keep my save file, the only one that remains is save slot 2 which has EXE at the end and is there at the beginning even when I just started a new game.

I've tried redownloading the game along with changing they file explorer to the WinRAR file explorer, it might just be a problem with a setting on my pc or something wrong with the way my pc runs the game, if someone had the same problem and knows how to fix it pls tell me, I hate making a lot of progress then having to go back or start on a save file that I personally didn't start, so when I do this I'm missing a lot of the story ;-;