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A member registered Jan 03, 2022

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so idk if it's just me but when i open the box in the kid's room i only find the drawing and no sleeping pill. Am i supposed to do something in particular to have it or is it a bug ? 

thanks for you reply ! 

and i tried once without talking to him and the other time i talked to gareth but that would lead me to the other two ending i already did :( so idk what to do anymore. i hope we'll find a solution tho :o

hey !! i really loved the game as it bought me so much emotion at the same time : sadness, anger( especially for 2 characters) , happiness ( after a certain ending were we ( insert major spoiler) to revenge ). the story was also super interesting, the puzzle just hard enough and the teatime mechanics was so much fun i loved doing all of them ( i hope i didn't miss any) but i am now doing the "real" ending and i'm stick at the part where i have to open the chest and take the yellow note, i take the not but while im reading the texte zahkari is coming to kill me :( what am i supposed to do ?? ( also sorry for the mistake im not native english speaker :o )