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Sabin Poudel

A member registered Jan 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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I found this developer who uses Q3d plugin and the performance are visuals are suprisingly impressive: UNDISPUTED MMA by Osayuware (

Hi Kindeyegames , I was just checking out performance of the Old Q3d plugin in Construct 2 and I was surprised to see that even with better high fidelity model, animation, lightening, shadow its performance was higher than 3d object plugin for construct 3. Is it due to three.js used in that plugin? Is there a way to improve performance in this plugin in future?

This update is just lit!

Thank you! ;)

Thanks! Waiting for 3d Object support too! May be with just basic box collider for 3d object.

Thanks for the update!

I mean locking angle features(toggle) of 3d shape with 3d physics behavior enabled. I was trying to make custom physics control to the 3d shape and I added if key down -> apply impulse. But it seems that when this 3d shape collide with immovable 3d physics surface its angle also changes.

A suggestion: Can you add Apply Force features too and a tick option to prevent or not prevent rotation of 3d Shape?

Thanks for the update! I have one issue that seems to be still exists with the plugin. I cannot load another 3d model to same 3d object once any first 3d model is loaded to that object. i.e no runtime dynamic multiple load of 3d models. Can you have a look to it?

Thank you for this update!

Great Job!

Thats great to hear from you! Lets hope scirra helps you out!

Thank you for your attention! Great work!

Timeline works great with default parameters that construct provide like X,Y position, Angle etc for 2d sprite. But the properties of 3d object like Z elevation , x,y,z rotation of 3d object, x,y,z scale of 3d object doesnot work in timeline.

Hey, I tried using Timeline of Construct 3 to make animation, but it looks like 3d Object doesn't work with timeline features?? Or does it work?

Thank you for the update!

Your are genious man! I am very thankful that you have your attention on 3d physics too. I am really excited to see more updates on future. You are doing great man.