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A member registered Jan 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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I think it's public again

Yoooo! This is my submission to Harby's gamejam: there is so much I haven't put in the game yet, but I want everyone to know that Harby is really cool! And if I had never met Harby on Twitch and Youtube, this game would have never happened, this world would have been forgotten in a cloud of non-existence/existencial dread in the incognizance of ethereum, but alas! But alas not: Harby entered my life, and everything fell into place, and I'm happy to have been here to chat with Harby and to yap and yap and yap during her streams, because I love her! We are totally friends irl :P

Thanks Harby! ~ <3

Opened up every version so you can play any time zone you want!

The most recent version is at the bottom!

A very robust update with secret endings and special features is now available!

Please Employ Hellspawn appropriately!

Updated to include pictures created using chatGPT 4 and DALL-E, please enjoy your time with your Hellspawn waifu!

(1 edit)

Hiya! This is a visual novel (well currently it's text only, but that's gonna change when I figure out the best way to get images, and possibly draw my own or get help. In the meanwhile, enjoy all of these charming waifus! <3

For best results please download version

omg you won't believe this! I got a new job today! I start this weekend, they say I need to bring all my stuff to the shady back alley in downtown and to come alone and they will give me all of the details --  so exciting!

Hello, it's me again! I'm actually so glad you made this game, Harby! You did a really good job and I'm well pleased with you! You are an up and coming game developer and I wish you more and more endeavors in the world of making great games! Thank you for talking with us on stream, it really means a lot to me, and us. I wish I could shut up though and start listening more, because I can't tell you how many times I've missed you saying things while I was typing some lengthy response... Thank you Harby for spending time with us humans! (and by the way, I'm actually a spy, I'm an angel from Heaven! ahaha) See you around Harby!

This is truly one of the games ever made! -Sabey Tee

I dunno why I felt the need to quote a lalafell or anything