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Saad Bazaz

A member registered Jul 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much! Ik, the idea has TONNES of potential! Just got as much as I could done over the week, will be surely fixing the issues and pushing this to the public!

Really appreciate your detailed bug report and feature req. I will work on this.

Thanks so much for playing. Yes, it’s a popular design choice nowadays. Will be fixing these bugs and pushing this game to production. Will keep the forum here posted.

Thanks for playing 🤩 Yes, identified a lot of bugs thanks to playtests here. I have a lot of ideas in mind for future games like this. Loved your game too, keep it up!

Identified that bug and working on it. Thanks so much for helping!

Yup that was a good inspiration :’) Polish coming soon after the gamejam 🤩 Planning on turning this into a social game for the masses

(2 edits)

Thanks so much for playing ❤️

The miracles of AI :D

Yes, we have had quite the share of bugs. The proposition is unique in itself; a text-based AI prompting a image-based AI, while at the same time having to take some AI-level decisions.

Planning on turning this into a fully working social game soon B) Stay in touch

Loved the game. Totally matches the theme. Got till level 3 before it got too hard for my tiny brain